Curriculum Vitae
Oscar Volij
I have a dream that my papers will one day be judged not by the place where they were published but by the content of their rejections.
- Ph.D. in Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June
- M.A. in Economics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1989.
- Licenciado en Economia at Buenos Aires University, 1985.
Professional appointments
- 2008-present Professor of Economics at Ben Gurion University.
- 2003-2008 Associate Professor of Economics at Ben Gurion University.
- 2006-2008 Professor of Economics at Iowa State University.
- 2001-2005 Associate Professor of Economics at Iowa State University.
- 1998-2002 Senior Lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- 1998-2001 Associate Professor of Economics at Brown University.
- 1995-1998 Assistant Professor of Economics at Brown University.
- 1993-1994 Postdoctoral fellow at CentER of Economic Research.
Articles in refereed journals
- When do more police induce more crime?
link to the paper
Economic Theory 76, 759-778 (2023), (
with Casilda Lasso de la Vega and Federico Weinschelbaum.
- Theft in equilibrium
European Economic Review 139 (2021) 103869 (
with Casilda Lasso de la Vega and Federico Weinschelbaum.
- The measurement of income segregation
International Economic Review (2020) 61, 1479-1500, (
with Casilda Lasso de la Vega.
- Pairwise consensus and the Borda rule
Mathematical Social Sciences. (2022) 116, 17-21 (
with Muhammad Mahajne.
- The measurement of income segregation
International Economic Review (2020) 61, 1479-1500, (
with Casilda Lasso de la Vega.
- Condorcet winners and social acceptability
Social Choice and Welfare. (2019) 53, 641-653 (
with Muhammad Mahajne.
- The value of a draw
Economic Theory (2020) 70, 1023-1044, (
with Casilda Lasso de la Vega.
- Ranking scholars: a measure representation
Journal of Informetrics 12 (2018), 510--517 (
with Casilda Lasso de la Vega.
- The socially acceptable scoring rule
Social Choice and Welfare. 2018 (DOI: 10.1007/s00355-018-1113-9)
with Muhammad Mahajne.
- An alternative proof of Hardy, Littlewood, and Polya's
(1929) necessary condition for majorization
Economic Theory Bulletin. October 2016, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 347--350 (
- First-Mover Advantage in Two-Sided Competitions: An Experimental Comparison of Role-Assignment Rules
International Journal of Game Theory. (2016) 45:933-970 (DOI 10.1007/s00182-015-0493-7) (
with Bradley Ruffle.
- Level r Consensus and Stable Social Choice
Social Choice and Welfare. 45(4) 805-817, 2015 (DOI: 10.1007/s00355-015-0882-7)
with Muhammad Mahajne and Shmuel Nitzan.
- Axiomatic Measures of Intellectual Influence
Int. J. Ind. Organ. 34 85-90, 2015 (
with Ignacio Palacios-Huerta.
- Segregation, Informativeness and Lorenz Dominance
Social Choice and Welfare, 43, Issue 3 (2014), 547-564, DOI 10.1007/s00355-014-0801-3
with Casilda Lasso de la Vega.
- A simple proof of Foster's (1983) characterization of the Theil measure of inequality
Economic Modelling, 35, September 2013, 940-943,
with Casilda Lasso de la Vega.
- An axiomatic characterization of the Theil inequality ordering
Economic Theory, DOI 10.1007/s00199-012-0739-6
with Casilda Lasso de la Vega and Ana Marta Urrutia.
- Measuring School Segregation
Journal of Economic Theory, 146, 1-38, 2011
with David Frankel.
- Field Centipedes
American Economic Review, 99:4, 1619-1635, 2009
with Ignacio Palacios-Huerta.
- Experientia Docet: Professionals Play Minimax in Laboratory
Econometrica,76(1), 71-115, 2008.
with Ignacio Palacios-Huerta.
- MISTAKES IN COOPERATION: the Stochastic Stability of Edgeworth's Recontracting
forthcoming in The Economic Journal
with Roberto Serrano.
- Decentralized Trade, Random Utility and the Evolution of Social Welfare
Journal of Economic Theory, 140(1), 328-338, 2008.
with Michihiro Kandori and Roberto Serrano.
- Ranking Participants in Generalized Tournaments
International Journal of Game Theory, 23(2), 255-270, 2005
with Giora Slutzki.
- Scoring of Web Pages and Tournaments -- Axiomatizations
Social Choice and Welfare, 26(1), 75-92, 2006
with Giora Slutzki.
- The Measurment of Intellectual Influence
Econometrica, 72, (2004), 963-977.
with Ignacio Palacios-Huerta.
- The Evolution of Exchange
Journal of Economic Theory, 114, (2004), 310-328.
with Asaf Ben-Shoham and Roberto Serrano
- Public Education, Communities, and Vouchers
with Maria J. Luengo Prado
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 43, 51-73, (2003).
- A Remark on Bargaining and Non-Expected Utility
Mathematical Social Sciences, 44(1), 1-15, September 2002
- Payoff Equivalence in Sealed Bid Auctions and the Dual Theory of
Choice Under Risk
Economics Letters, 76(2), 231--237, 2002
- Payoff Equivalence in Sealed Bid Auctions and the Dual Theory of
Choice Under Risk: A Correction
Economics Letters, Volume 247, February 2025, 112139, 2002
- On Risk Aversion and Bargaining Outcomes
Games and Economic Behavior 41(1), 120-140, (2002)
with Eyal Winter.
- An Axiomatization of the Nash Bargaining Solution
Social Choice and Welfare, 19, 811-823, (2002)
with Nir Dagan and Eyal Winter
- Will You Marry Me? A Perspective on the Gender Gap
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 49(4), 549-572, 2002
with Ronel Elul and Jose Angel Silva-Reus
- In defense of DEFECT
Games and Economic Behavior, 39, 309--321 (2002).
- On the Failure of Core Convergence
Econometrica, 69, 1685--1696 (2001)
with Roberto Serrano and Rajiv Vohra
- The Core of Economies with Asymmetric Information: An Axiomatic
Journal of Mathematical Economics 38, 43-63, (2000)
with Darin Lee.
- Walrasian Allocations without Price-Taking Behavior
Journal of Economic Theory, 95: 79-106 (2000)
with Roberto Serrano
- Communication, Credible Improvements and the Core of an Economy with
Asymmetric Information
International Journal of Game Theory, 29: 63--79 (2000)
- Formation of Nations in a Welfare-State Minded World
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2:157-181 (2000)
with Nir Dagan
- Bargaining, Coalitions, and Competition
Economic Theory, 15:279-296 (2000)
with Nir Dagan and Roberto Serrano.
- Feasible Implementation of Taxation Methods
Review of Economic Design, 4:57-72 (1999)
with Nir Dagan and Roberto Serrano.
- Comment on McLennan and Sonnenschein "Sequential Bargaining as a
Non-Cooperative Foundation for Walrasian Equilibrium"
Econometrica, 66, 1231-1233 (1998).
with Roberto Serrano and Nir Dagan.
- Axiomatizations of Neoclassical Concepts for Economies
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 30: 87-108 (1998)
with Roberto Serrano.
- A Noncooperative View of Consistent Bankruptcy Rules
Games and Economic Behavior, 18: 55-72 (1997)
with Nir Dagan and Roberto Serrano.
- Bilateral Comparisons and Consistent Fair Division Rules in the
Context of Bankruptcy Problems
International Journal of Game Theory, 26: 11-26 (1997)
with Nir Dagan.
- Two Characterizations of the Uniform Rule for Division Problems with
Single-Peaked Preferences
Economic Theory, 7: 291-306 (1996)
with Gert-Jan Otten and Hans Peters.
- Epistemic Conditions for Equilibrium in Beliefs Without
Journal of Economic Theory, 70: 391-406 (1996).
- Dynamic Consistency, Consequentialism and The Reduction of Compound
Economics Letters, 46: 121-129 (1994).
- The Bankruptcy Problem: A Cooperative Bargaining Approach
Mathematical Social Sciences, 26: 287-297 (1993)
with Nir Dagan.